There are two segments of the homeless community. There are people who can’t accept their circumstances and the ones that do. In the first group sinking into homelessness is unacceptable and they feel shame and desperation. Those people will not be homeless for long.
The second group
would be termed chronically homeless. They are resilient people that adjust to
their circumstance and accept their situation as the new normal. They simply
can’t follow social expectations and choose be free with the ability to make
their own decisions regardless of what others may want for them.
There are a
multiple of reasons that lead people into this situation. In my opinion, the
underlying theme of the chronically homeless revolves around a unwillingness or an inability to follow
social expectations. Some people are followers of the flock and some people
would rather have the freedom to make their own choices.
There is an interesting truth I discovered by watching people. They can’t see their problems and they may not want to change their habits as much as you want this for them. It is our life choices that create our reality. Just because people end up in life situations they do not like it does not mean they want to or have the cognizance do anything about it.
People can’t change what they do not acknowledge. There are alcoholics and drug addicts in the world that do not think they have a problem. Since they can’t see it then it is not likely they will make choices to do anything differently. Think of all the smokers in the world that hate coughing and have difficulty breathing but don’t want to quit smoking. This simple truth holds true in all segments of society.
There is a strange
irony that people can become homeless when they lack structure in their lives
to follow the herd and to do as told. The one thing that might pull them out of their situation is agreeing to a
structured life by following the herd and doing as they are told. They resist the very thing that may help them such as a social
program willing to address their specific personal issues. People who are chronically homeless
desire their freedom and resist submitting this control over to anyone. They do not want to be treated like children.
The most
interesting thing of all is to watch what people do with their freewill. The
homeless people I observed find ways to plan, organize and structure their
world. They will create shelter, appoint leaders, manifest electricity, find ways
to cook, bath and solve the problems to ensure survival.
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