Read the older posts first to better understand how the story unfolds.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Will the Grinch steal Christmas?

December 14, 2015. New Orleans, LA USA This week a homeless man was given $100 and he spent a portion of his winfall on a Christmas tree to lift the holiday spirit in his encampment. Before long the city sent a sanitation crew out to remove the man’s tree. One of the camp residents saved it from destruction but a short time latter the tree disappeared again. The homeless men chased down the garbage truck with the tree inside but all they were able to save was one red ornament. It appears as though a Grinch had stolen Christmas!

Local TV news stations reported the story and explained that the tree was a city code violation. The tent was also a code violation too but luckily it was left alone.  Viewers touched by the story started showing up with more trees, ornaments, clothes, and food.  What was stolen from him was returned in abundance and the homeless man shared the bounty with others in need.

For 22 years I have been documenting homeless people who build shantytown communities [ ] so I decided to pay this man a visit.  Our meeting had quite a few interruptions because he had to keep excusing himself to go help others. He was handing out donations and tended to someone’s personal medical needs.
What the general population doesn’t consider is that when social services fail to provide for homeless individuals then the responsibilities fall on the homeless to take care of each other. In every community you have some select few with big hearts and compassion that make it their personal mission to be a caregiver. This is one of those men who will not turn his back on others in need.  People like him act as parents doing what they can to care for the family.
My goal is to tell these stories through portraiture but somewhere between the noise from the traffic above us and the wind blowing my lights around I had a hard time getting his attention. He also seemed to be distracted by the motorist passing by. People were honking and waving because of his Christmas tree. Then he excused himself again to get something from the tent. 

I saw him with cardboard and a marker to make a sign that read, “Help my friend on [the] corner.” He was worried that motorists were distracted by me taking pictures and that perhaps the panhandler nearby was not going to make any income.

So this Christmas season where ever you live please do as this man does and extend some compassion to others.  If the weather is cold, people need blankets coats, shoes socks, hats and gloves. Consider what you would want if you were in their circumstances. Give from your heart within your comfort zone. Give to individuals or to charities of your choice. And when you do it…. Tell them that “John in New Orleans” inspired you.  Because if he can give to others when he appears to have so little, then perhaps we can learn something from him.
I thought this would be the end of the story for now. It is not. In response to the out pour of love from the community to this man the city of New Orleans has given the homeless two days to evaculate all tents and belongs from the underside of the bridge. With one week before Christmas the homeless become even more homeless. Merry Christmas from New Orleans!

For more information visit
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